Thursday, July 14, 2011

last kansas thought.

i'm feeling a little guilty about my anti-kansas post.

i have nothing against the good people of kansas, such as the kind gentleman with the breathing tube who greeted us warmly at Dillon's supermarket, or the family we talked to who prayed before eating at Wendy's, or even the state trooper that gave us the speeding ticket without any nasty comment about nailing the out-of-state, foreign-made, hybrid car.

they were all very pleasant.

no, my grudge is against the institution of kansas. you know the one. i can best sum it up and foist all my anger onto it when i think of the countless anti-choice billboards we went by yesterday, along with the ronald reagan quote signs and, my favorite: a super close-up of president obama with the words "wannabe socialist/terrorist" that was big enough to see from half a mile away.

that's the kansas that can kiss my liberal ass.


  1. Kansas is home to Fred Phelps. The father of all haters.

  2. of course, jana--it all makes sense now....
