Tuesday, May 20, 2014

large type.

here was my view, hiking with my beloved dogs this afternoon.

how strange, i thought, that just having clouds in the sky makes me giddy.  makes me say hello to all of the people hiking around me, whether they look like they want me to or not.  makes me smile wryly at the filming of an interview with some unknown celebrity in the middle of my hike, as opposed to throwing venomous looks towards the filmmakers for messing with my peaceful mojo and reminding me that i live in a very, very, very strange place.

no, i tell you, people, the clouds in the sky just made me happy.  what a gift it is to realize exactly how it feels to be filled to the brim with something that can only be called happiness.  

this day is turning into something fucking brilliant.

compounded by the fact that i get to start reading "The Interestings" tonight, and that the book i borrowed from the library is the LARGE TYPE edition.  do you know about LARGE TYPE?  you, like me, probably think about it as a thing for old people, but friends, let me tell you, LARGE TYPE is the bomb.  why would anyone want to read regular old 12pt. helvetica type when you could set your weary on LARGE TYPE and read with ease and relaxation?

i tell you, my world looks different tonight.  it looks different and clearly it is bold and beautiful and i am in love with it.  

my eyes have seen the glory.

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