Thursday, August 8, 2013

the woad and the weary.


the last sentence i just said:

"don't do anything to bunny!"

i didn't shower this morning.  i threw on my straw hat and decided to just take the day on as is.  now, looking in the mirror across from the desk in this lovely best western, i realize that a shower may have been helpful.

i look like my car smells.

i'm short-tempered, little-fused.  i have little reserves left in me to deal with these people whom i love so much.

they need to leave me the fuck alone.

we stopped at an amazing bookstore in nashville this morning; independent, glorious, filled to the brim with all kinds of stories.  i could've spent hours, days in there.  instead, i gave the kids ten minutes to make a decision, found a book for the first day of school, and hightailed it outta there before i dropped any more money that i don't have.

we hit up the memphis whole foods for lunch, where despite their protestations of being sick of whole foods, the kids ate happily and we found a drink called "milo's sweet tea".  we drove west, watching as the temperature grew hotter and hotter, finally hitting around 100 mid-day, melting the vegan baked goods we had bought this morning.

the kind of day where the sneakers had to come off in the car; where i apologized for taking them off first, in case they smelled; where my husband asked me if i had socks on; where i rudely said, "do you even KNOW me?  when was the last time i wore socks in the summer?"

simmering, just simmering.

we parked at a rest stop this afternoon to pee, and walked through the enormous, empty restaurant.  there was one trucker there, quietly eating by himself, and the manager going over receipts with one of the employees.  it was eerie.  there were knickknacks to buy, and elton john was playing on the radio (one of his faux-country songs), and "the Big Bang theory" was on all of the tvs.  it was eerie.  did i mention it was eerie?

we spent the morning singing fake country songs.  we laughed a lot.  the kids played drums in the backseat while alex crooned about the stores we passed, and milo came up with brilliantly crooked rhymes.

those were the fun times today.

i'm seconds away from putting on my jammies and crawling into one of the queen beds with my kids.  we're reading "the search for wondla".  i'm reading "the tender bar".  alex is reading "the berlin game". i want this school year to be the year that i read, and read, and read.  always and evermore, just read for my life.  

i need to throw away our television.

tomorrow we head further into texas and hit austin, the town i've been dreaming of.  mostly this is because our dear clay is there, waiting to host us and squire us around the town, but also, i think austin is where i could live.  the listing for vegan foods alone is worth it . . . plus there are bats there.

anyway, tomorrow we drive a bit, then we rest.  we get to settle in for a few days, which makes me glad to be alive.

things are going well.

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