Thursday, July 19, 2012

snack list.

here is the complete list of snacks that we have left in the car, all of which both of my children have refused, despite their hunger:

Salted sunflower seeds
Lemon almonds
Fruit leathers
Clif bars
Honey nut rice cakes
Honey graham crackers
Veggie sticks
Snap-pea crisps
Peace-sign pretzels
Tortilla chips
Trail mix
White bread
Peanut butter
Strawberry jam

these are the healthy-type foods. we've got plenty of treats, too. i ask you, dear friends, are my children spoiled? are they incapable of understanding the bounty that is before them? or is it simply that this food has been with us for seven days, and as it is with the humans in the car, they are just bored with their choices?

either way, if anyone is hungry on rt.
80 going through illinois, we've got you covered. look for the gray prius covered in bugs.

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