Thursday, June 27, 2013


my suitcase is the perfect visual example of my state of mind right now.

i'm finding it hard to focus on my many tasks at hand, and part of this is because as soon as i walk into my parents' house i feel discombobulated, like i'm in pieces.  i feel jumbled up.  i need drawers to place my different tasks in but there isn't enough space due to the overwhelming amount of stuff around me.

so instead, i take a nap.

so far today i've told my mother that everytime she has real mayonnaise she should consider the fact that she just took off a year of her life.  i also got pissed off at her because the vegan mayo that i got in the winter has disappeared from her fridge.  all of this happened in front of four stampin' up customers who sat busily working on cards in our dining room.

too much?

my kids have watched over five hours of tv already today, and its only 2pm.  let go, let go, let go.

i'm trying to rally to get myself to the franklin ymca and then to the franklin public library, to do some focused work.  to make myself myself again.

i'm okay.  i'm okay.  i'm okay.

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