Tuesday, June 25, 2013

on our way. sort of.

ah, delayed at LAX.

there is talk of heavy thunderstorms in boston later, so we're stuck here for a few hours.  we're well prepared.  i've got food and snacks, lots of work to do and two children who have traveled more in their young lives than most.  they are used to this sort of thing.  they are cheerful, especially since the electronics have already been allowed to come out.

of course, we've only been here for a little while.  we've got a few more hours to go.

selkie was distraught to say goodbye to the dogs and cat today.  tears streaming down her face, clinging to them with passion, wailing about how much she would miss them.  

before we left, the faucet started dripping again and the handle to the toilet fell off.  we used black duct tape to fix it up.  enjoy that, sabrina...

alex had an unexpected pitch this morning, which left me to do all the last-minute stuff and nonsense and clay to drive us to the airport.  he and alex will hit the road later today, stopping in vegas first.

in the meantime, we'll sit here and hope for the best.  we'll enjoy all of these faces and people and sounds of crankiness.  we'll hit the food court and have some french fries.  i'll write a few learning records, if i'm lucky.  and i'll take some deep, deep breaths; ones that resonate the soles of my feet in anticipation of our trip home.  

the humidity is waiting for me, and the rain will welcome me with open arms.             

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