Wednesday, December 26, 2012

day after.

christmas is officially over. we've done three versions of opening presents, the children are suitably happy, and now begins the part of my vacation where i can actually rest. in theory.

tonight i made vegan brownies and helped my mother-in-law make pasta fagiole and soon we'll all be having a family dinner--ten people around the table. there will be hot bread and warm soup and salad. later there will be fudgy chocolatey goodness with soy ice cream for me, because i deserve it this time of year. all year 'round, in fact.

feels like a holiday.

yesterday morning we woke up in my parents' extremely lopsided bed, under covers that had been keeping my family warm for decades, and smiled as my son came in and said, "well, it's a perfect white christmas!"

never has there been a more beautiful ten-year old boy to utter those words.

we looked outside and watched the snow fall gently, while we all exclaimed about how beautiful it was. the squirrels ran down the branches of the trees, knocking off snow in a line so quickly it looked like a kind of gorgeous explosion. selkie ran outside in her pajamas and got a handful of snow to eat, which started her feasting for the day.

it was perfect snow; crunchy and malleable, soft yet firm--the kind of snow that people write about. it is the kind of snow that makes me adore this place where i was born.

tonight we're waiting again for another snow to fall, this time it might be sizeable--possibly enough to go sledding in the schoolyard next to my in-laws' house. my children are happy.

i am happy. being here, being in this place, it rounds me out and makes me whole again. the cold air on my skin slaps me awake and reminds me that there is good, good, good all around me.

funny how the season that supports creatures rest and hibernation fires me up and lights me up from inside.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful. Love the love for decades blankets. <3 Love your writing.
